Die unglaubliche Anzahl von 3.400 Beiträgen ist bei der MORE! Writing Competition 2021 eingereicht worden! Wir freuen uns sehr über den großartigen Erfolg und möchten uns auf diesem Wege ganz herzlich bei allen teilnehmenden Schüler*innen bedanken – und natürlich auch bei allen Lehrer*innen, ohne die die Umsetzung dieses Wettbewerbs gar nicht möglich gewesen wäre.
I am very pleased to congratulate for having reached one second place in the Helbling writing competition.
Prof. Barbara Prokop

The title of her text is: The report of a perfect day (by Aleeya Prilasnig)
I wake up in a fluffy conopy bed with lots of cuddly pillows.
I live in San Francisco. I wash my face and get dressed. My clothes are made of the finest silk from a tailor. My breakfast is served in bed.
The food is on golden, porcelain plates and my hot chocolate is in a large, shiny cup with a diamond handle and lots of glittering dots.
After my breakfast I paint my nails with bright colours and little flower stickers.
Then I go to my horse Angel and I ride in the forest for an hour.Then I bring Angel to the washing area. The stable boy does the rest.
At eleven o´clock my boyfriend Freddy drives me into the city. Wee at some ice cream and drink an icy bubble tea. He buys me all my wishes and gives mea big present. It is a shiny dress with ruffles on it.Then my best friend has got a surprise for me. We meet the Superstar Billie Eilish! We have a lot of fun together.For lunch my boyfriend and I go to an Asian restaurant. We eat sushi with noodles and drink orange juice.
In the afternoon Freddy drives me at home and I swim in the sea with my dolphin Sunny untill six p.m. After a hot shower I relax on my couch, drinking hot tea and cuddling with my cat. I listen to quiet music and draw a picture for my best friend.
At eight p.m I go upstairs in the kitchen to eat my dinner. I have some bread and stroke my little hamster that is sitting on my shoulder.Then I go into the living room and watch an action film until midnight.
Late in the night I go to bed and snuggle up in my fluffy pillows. Immediately afterwards I fall asleep deeply. Good night!